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Anthony       Gianna


Pleated Fabric

We are delighted to invite you to the celebration of our marriage on

October 19, 2024

Image by Photos by Lanty


St. Boniface Church

Sea Cliff, NY




The Inn at New Hyde Park

Long Island, New York




Our Story

Their story started at Fairleigh Dickinson University in 2016. She went there to play lacrosse and he went there to play football. They were in the same dorm but on different floors and hung out around the same circle of people but never crossed paths.

On January 27th, 2016, a couple of days after second semester started, Gianna and Anthony finally met. Gianna was invited to a friend's dorm room before they all went out for the night. Can you guess whose dorm room she went to? You guessed it, it was Anthony’s! I wish I could tell you it was love at first sight but fate had a different plan.

Ever since the day they met, they continuously kept running into each other. As time went on, the common run-ins turned into long conversations which would lead to an inseparable friendship.  It was like a force was pulling them together, but they were both too blind to see it. Whether they were alone or with all their friends, the conversations were always never ending with the rooms filled with 

smiles and laughter. 

As time went on, Anthony and Gianna realized they had strong feelings for eachother and knew in their hearts that this was the start of something very special. However, they did not want to jeopardize a friendship that seemed everlasting. So, they kept their feelings a secret. 

Until one day, Gianna built up enough courage to go tell Anthony how she felt. 

She went to Anthony's dorm room, knocked on his door and as soon as he opened it, she expressed her feelings. Anthony, with a big smile on his face, looked at her and with no hesitation said, “I feel the same way”.

That's when their official love story began!

Gianna and Anthony officially started dating on April 3rd, 2016. Then, on October 22nd, 2022 at Duck Walk Winery, Anthony got down on one knee and proposed! 

This is just how our journey started; we can't wait to see where it takes us.

Anthony + Gianna

Image by Rue S

Hotel Accommodations

We are so grateful to have you be a part of our big day! If you choose to stay the night, we have accommodations available through the link below.

Guests who choose to stay at this hotel will have transportation provided to and from our wedding venue.

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